Until recently, getting braces was associated with awkwardness, and people who wore them (particularly school-going kids) were often the butt of jokes. However, times have changed and braces have now become a rite of passage.


With advances in technology, braces have not only become more effective but also stylish thanks to customizable features and plenty of fun colors to pick from. Even the stigma that adults use to experience when wearing braces has declined overtime with the invention of clear brace aligners.


If you are considering getting braces for yourself or your child, here are a couple of things that you should know before booking an appointment with an orthodontist.


How Braces Function


Braces work by applying pressure to the teeth and jaws in order to change their alignment and alter your smile. They also correct your bite, thus improving digestion.


However, it is important to note that braces can’t solve cavities or other dental problems such as infections.


You’ll Need To Have Some Prior Dental Work 


Before getting your braces installed, your orthodontist will clean your teeth and conduct some prior dental work. In some cases, they may remove your wisdom teeth so that they don’t interfere with the treatment.


The goal of this preliminary dental work is to correct any issues that might affect the functionality of the braces.


Making Adjustments To Your Diet Is a Must


Once you start wearing braces, you will need to check what you eat and avoid certain foods altogether. Sugary foods such as candies, caramels, and gummy bears should be avoided since they can stick to your braces and cause tooth pain. It is also advisable to steer clear of foods that are hard to chew such as raw carrots, apples, and corn on the cob.


Brushing Is More Important Than Ever


Braces often make brushing more challenging and even painful sometimes. However, since food particles tend to stick in between the wires of your braces, you must brush your teeth after every meal to ensure they remain healthy over the duration of the treatment


Experiencing Mild Pain Is Normal


Some patients often report pain and discomfort especially in the initial days of brace treatment. Don’t be too worried if you experience this as long as the pain is not excruciating. The discomfort will slowly wear off as your teeth and jaws start getting used to the braces. Meanwhile, you can ask your orthodontist to prescribe some over-the-counter medication to help manage the pain.


You’ll Need Extra Protection If You Are An Athlete


If you are involved in sports or athletics, you will need to start wearing a mouthguard to protect the inside of your mouth and teeth from contact with braces in case of accidents such as falls or knocks.


Braces Are a Commitment


Once you install your braces, you will need to go for checkups every 4-6 weeks. Your orthodontist will assess how the treatment is progressing and make adjustments where necessary.


Are you looking for an orthodontist in Corona to help you determine whether you need braces? Give us a call today to book a free consultation with our specialists.

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